Application for Improvement
(Solar panels installation)

Application for Installation of Solar Panels

"*" indicates required fields


  1. Complete this application form provided and sign.
  2. If the applicant is a tenant, this application form must be signed by the ownerof the unit.
  3. Attach the supporting quotations, costs and any reports.
  4. Lodge this form on line, OR email the completed, signed downloadable version to You could also return it in-person to our Office.
This is the name of your property, not StrataLiving, which is the body corporate management company
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 2 MB.
    Note: pdf or word doc preferred even for photos

    Terms and Conditions

    The applicant acknowledges the following conditions are to be met at all times:

    1. The lot owner must comply with the conditions of this approval and the Body Corporate by-laws;
    2. The improvements must not be of a lesser quality than the standard of the complex and similar improvements generally;
    3. All costs associated with the improvement will be borne by the lot owner both during and following installation;
    4. All repairs and maintenance to the installation will be the responsibility of the lot owner;
    5. All required council permits (if required) for the improvement are obtained by the Lot Owner and provided with this application;
    6. The work is carried out by properly qualified tradespeople;
    7. The tradespeople supply evidence of their public liability and personal accident insurance cover to the Committee prior to commencement of work;
    8. The tradespeople dispose of all debris correctly and that no debris at any time will represent any danger to anyone entering onto or leaving the premises;
    9. Responsibility is taken by the applicant for any damage which may be caused to any property or to any other lot as a result of the improvement during and after the work;
    10. Rectification of any damage to common property caused by or resulting from the installation of the solar panels, will be the responsibility of the Lot Owner, to the satisfaction of the Body Corporate and at the Owners cost.
    11. The Body Corporate is to be advised of the final cost of works upon completion for addition to the Body Corporate Lot Improvement register and common property insurance register;
    12. Care is taken at all times to minimise any inconvenience to other residents and tradespeople do not leave any tools or equipment on common property;
    13. That works are carried out between the hours of 8.00am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 4.00pm on Saturday. No work to be carried out on Sundays or Public Holidays;
    14. Should the roof require repair or maintenance at any time and the Solar panels are required to be removed for this repair and or maintenance, it is the owner’s responsibility to remove the solar panels and re install, at their cost;
    15. The body corporate is indemnified from all claims arising out of the improvement (commencement of work signifies acceptance).

    Important Note:

    In the event that the project value exceeds the major project threshold of $3,000.00 this application will require approval by an Extraordinary General Meeting, the cost of which will be borne by the Owner.

    Acknowledgment of Terms and Conditions*