Emergency Contacts this Holiday season

Since the office is closed from the 20th of December until the 6th of Jan 2025, we may not attend to your calls, emails and inquiries.

We advise you to go to the Owner Portal, where you can access your body corporate records 24/7, as well as our online forms and services. For those who have signed up for the SLBCM App, you may use that instead.

For emergency body corporate maintenance, you’ll find a brief list of tradesmen working through the holiday period as you scroll down (Sunshine Coast area). However, depending on your property and maintenance needs, you may already have the relevant personnel at your convenience:

  • an on-site building manager (if any)
  • and/or your usual body corporate contractors
  • committee members who may have the relevant contacts of contractors
  • unit owner or property agent (for tenants)

Please be aware that the costs of such emergency maintenance arranged by an owner may not always fall under the body corporate’s responsibility. Ensure that the maintenance is for common property and the costs are reasonable. Even though the problem has to be fixed, be mindful when engaging contractors without authority, as you may need to limit the amount of work done. If it is a major repair, it may be necessary to confirm whether it’s the responsibility of the body corporate or the owner.

In the event of true emergencies, contact SES 132 500 from anywhere in Queensland for non-life-threatening emergencies during severe weather events. If the situation is life-threatening, always call Triple Zero (000).

To report a property-related crime, call Policelink on 13 14 44.

Finally – if you have suffered an insurable loss during this holiday season, please complete the insurance claim form on the Owner Portal. You may contact our broker, Honan, on 03 9947 4333 to follow up on your existing claim. You can also email them at claims.admin@honan.com.au.

The StrataLiving team wishes you and your loved ones a peaceful and carefree holiday.

Reach us for more information