Paying by phone
Have your levy notice and credit card ready and call:
1. DEFT on 1300 309 300 or for International users call +61 2 8232 7395
2. STRATAPAY on 1300 552 311 or for International users call +61 2 8232 7395
[You need to be already pre-registered with the DEFT system, you can initiate this by visiting ]
Paying over the Internet
Have your levy notice and credit card ready and go here or
[You need to be already pre-registered with the DEFT system]
In person at any Australia Post
You MUST have your levy notice with you
By mail – post your cheque
Send your cheque, and the payment slip portion of your Levy Notice to:
DEFT Payment Systems
GPO Box 141
By Bpay – debit your bank account

With Bpay you can debit your bank account directly via the web. If you haven’t used Bpay before, contact your financial institution and enquire about the facility.

Any questions about using DEFT visit
How to locate the DEFT Reference number applicable to your levy account:

Going away and want to Pre-pay Levies?
You can always put your body corporate account into credit at any time – just be sure you are adding enough credit to cover all possible levies.
Service Fees
These may vary and you need to contact your banking institution for costs involved, if any.