Arrears Dispute Form

Arrears Dispute Form

Lodge this form on line, OR email the completed and signed downloadable version to You could also return it in-person to our Office.

"*" indicates required fields

The purpose of this form is to justify and understand why the payment was not made by the due date. We will then request assistance from the Committee to resolve the dispute.

Arrears Notice Fee

Your Body Corporate has engaged StrataLiving to undertake various administrative duties on its behalf. One of our obligations is to follow up on overdue levies. The process that our office undertakes is as follows:

  1. Monthly review of all owners’ levy accounts (no charge)
  2. Issue a reminder notice to the owner with overdue levies 2-3 weeks after the due date (arrears notice fee on-charged to owner)
  3. Issue a second reminder 4-5 weeks after the due date (arrears notice fee on-charged to owner)

Unless there are extenuating circumstances, the fees for issuing the arrears notices will not be waived.

Late Payment/Loss of Discount & Interest Fees

Should you wish to apply for the on-time payment discount or to have interest fees removed, we ask that you complete the below form and provide all supporting documentation, which will be submitted to the Committee for consideration.

DD slash MM slash YYYY
Date on which this application is lodged
Max. file size: 2 MB.
You may submit any relevant documents to support your application
Your desired outcome*