- Pay insurance premiums and obtain renewal quotations
- Process insurance claims
- Establish and maintain the roll and registers
- Maintain and keep records as per Legislation
- Make available the records for inspection
- Keep the Common Seal
- Provide advice and support to Committee members and individual lot owner

- Convene and attend the Annual General Meeting, Committee Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings set out in the Administration Agreement as per legislative requirements
- Prepare and distribute Notice of Meetings as per legislative requirements
- Record and Distribute minutes of meetings as per legislative requirements
- Prepare and Distribute notices of Vote outside of Committee Meetings as per legislative requirements
- Prepare, record and distribute resolutions of Votes outside of a Committee Meetings as per legislative requirements
- Arrange for the appointment of a returning officer ( engagement at an additional cost to the Body Corporate)
- Open and maintain the Body Corporate bank account including a daily bank reconciliation
- Pay all accounts (eft or bpay) – twice a month
- issue levy contribution notices to lot owners
- Receipt levy contribution payments
- Manage arrears levy collection & assist debt collection agencies (debt collection at an additional cost to the offending Lot Owner)
- Prepare financial statements at any time requested by the Committee
- Prepare and arrange an audit of financial statements (if required)
- prepare draft budgets
- preparation of business activity statements (if required)
- preparation of documentation for income tax return