Insurance Claim Form

Insurance claim form


  1. Complete and submit this application form and sign (if it’s downloaded or printed).
  2. Be a lot owner.
  3. Attach the supporting quotations, costs and any photos or reports.
  4. Lodge this form online, or print the downloadable version and email the signed, completed form to or return it to our Office.
Briefly describe what the claim is about

A) Insured Details

This is the name of your property, not the body corporate management company.
First and Last Name
This can be found on the property’s Certificate of Currency (COC). Log in to the Owner Portal to find your latest COC. Leave it blank if you’re still unsure.

B) Access Details

    This is to contact the on-site person for inspection. A contact person could be you, the owner, an on-site building manager, a tenant etc, as long as they can be available on site.

C) Loss Details

    All information in this section must be filled and satisfied.
List of items being claimed(Required)
Amount ($) of each listed item(Required)
Each amount must correspond to each item on the list. If you don’t have the amount for that item at this point, put ‘to be determined’ or TBD
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 2 MB.
    *For the repairs of the resultant damage, please attach at least two quotes
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 2 MB.
      • Please ensure you have two quotes to repair the resultant damage before submitting this claim to the Body Corporate Manager.
      • Any claim relating to Common Property (garage doors, entry doors) must be replaced as per existing at the time of the claim. Any proposed changes will require Committee approval prior to completion.

      D) Third Party Details

        If the Loss was caused by malicious damage, impact damage, vandalism or theft, please complete this section.
      Was the loss reported to the Police?

      E) Supporting Details

      For photos, please upload them below and describe them on the list. Alternatively, you can upload a word/ pdf file documenting the photos with descriptions. Descriptions may include the property, asset, exact location (floor number, unit, space, room etc,.) and the damage.
      Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 2 MB.
        If the photos uploaded don’t have a description, describe each of them on the list below (for eg, Photo 1: the tree fell on the roof of Unit 3; Photo 2: the water leak in the 3rd floor garbage room and so on).
        Descripton for each photo attached


        By submitting the form here, I hereby declare that the information contained within this document is true and correct and I make this declaration on the basis that I have been delegated power to sign for and on behalf of the Body Corporate.

        Please print name:(Required)
        MM slash DD slash YYYY